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How To Crack Portrait Innovations Pi2 Filest

I was fired from this lovely company via PHONE CALL! That's right.Related:My boss was completely professional no? People need to know that this place is not a photography studio, it's a sales business. Many of the 'photographers' are still in school some way, shape, or form. You are trained on site within like a week.That does not make the professional.

How To Crack Portrait Innovations Pi2 Files

We are expected to be in and out of the photo rooms within 15-20min, but if your kid is scared or upset, we're not allowed to waste time, so you have to rescedule. Corporate overbooks and does not care. Appointments are every 10min and every hour and half hours are double booked.It does not matter if you only need a single pose, we have 'protocal' that requires us to take up to 60 photos, so your wishes dont matter. If we don't take those photos we get in trouble. We are to tell you we delete photos not purchased once order is placed.lie.

They go back a few months.Why was I let go? I couldn't keep my average where it should be. That's right, technically I lost my job due to customers.

The reason those 'photographers' get upset when you tell them you only want the special, is because we have to maintain a $100 avg.So if I cant get the single mom who just lost her job, to find a way to ask family members for money or scrounge every penny in her account, car, or pockets, it's my fault. To me that's unexceptable.

If my customer left happy, I was happy, but if that meant it was a $10 sale, my boss wasn't happy. For every $10 sale the employee is one step closer to unemployment.Now not every photographer is bad, there are a few I know that will vet the job done for you no problem. But this place is nothing about photography but all about $$$$$. Which most business are but they way we have to go and get it is not right. Just be warned.Find someone professional that will do location shots for creativity or someone who can go to your home. It'll turn out a lot better.Now let the PI employees ripping apart my post begin! LolProduct or Service Mentioned.

I talked to an old school portrait taker whom had his own portrait studio. He said many photo corporations are in it for greed, not for capturing memories.As for job training, the photographer we went to for years at Olan Mills did not know what I was even talking about when I learned about photography settings. Another photographer said corporate frowned upon them messing with anything other than the shutter button.A woman being hired for Olan Mills said it doesn't matter the camera, that as a former portrait studio photographer (whom failed as a freelance photographer), she could take the worst photo, zip it through the studio computer, and the programs automatically fix everything.

Sadly it seems all these portrait studios run the same lack of training. I wish I had read these posts before working for this company. I thought this job would be good for my experience as a photographer, and it was in a way, but all the strict protocol guides make it really hard for me to be creative and learn anything about REAL photography.All of my coworkers are ghetto and dramatic we are all in our 20's. My manager knee about all the drama they caused with me but never once stepped in. Today is my last day with this job, no one knows I'm quitting because they don't accept notices, so when I walk out I'm going to do it dramatically to represent how I really feel. Do not work for this company, the pay is good but the job sucks.You work super long shifts with a 30 minute break, dealing with angry customers because booking appointments for every ten minutes is literally impossible.

If you want a photography job, this is not it.All they care about are sales. And this is a dead end job for any aspiring photographer.

@LoLI was very commited to my job. You don't know the behind the scenes of that studios location, so don't be so quick to judge.The studio I worked at was so far into the., that I believe there are only 2 people I know still working there. They let A LOT of people go, or most quit because it was so bad. When there are inner affairs amoungst MANAGERS and a lot of high school type drama amoungst ADULTS, it's hard to not get frustrated, and people you trust aren't who they turn out to be, or the people you can go to get screwed by other people. My boss got fired because the DM wanted to give it to the girl he was srewing so they could be closer.REALLY?

I did get a full time job since being let go and I couldn't be happier. A lot less stress free and I'll be able to enjoy my holiday season for the first time in 6 years. You appear confident that you are an excellent sales person, AWESOME!!Good for you!!

You didn't really say that you worked at portrait innovations, but if you do and you're an amazing seller, then I tip my hat. There's few people who can handle it.If you don't work there and are just a sales person in general, then you can shut your mouth. Work there from about October through January for 6 years and then you can talk. My wife had the kids' picture done there a few years ago. Photography has been a part-time hobby of mine for awhile.I think the company did a terrible job. The pictures were no better than K-Mart. The JPEG files were low quality.

How to crack portrait innovations pi2 files

I have actually identified the encryption on the raw files and make better copies, even though they still suck.I have a $200 Panasonic that I have used to take photos of the kids that are 1000% better. So don't bother trying to crack the original files. They aren't worth the trouble.Take your own photos. You'll get better results anyway.


Well I have been working there until May and while the days are so hectic and makes me want to quit, there are some customers that are really fun and actually make me like being a 'photographer' I was so happy when they wanted to hire me because I have always been interested in Photography but I do agree the company is an upsell one. It is a lot of pressure to have to keep an average when you have to deal with customers that really so not have too much money to spend on photos, sucks that we have to suffer from it too.There are definitely times that you just want to walk out and not deal with overbooking, and impatient customers.This co-worker actually recentely got fired for his average and another quit because she hated it so much. To work here you really need ALOT of patients. @LoL.This comment was clearly posted by a current PI employee who 'drank the Kool-Aid', or is simply the equally-underpaid employee that is hired to sit in the corporate PI office and place comments like this on all negative PI posts in order to make the company look like it's 'not that bad'. PhotoBeth's post has nothing to do with not 'hacking it' as a sales person- it's about how the company has zero customer focus beyond what they can squeeze out of their wallet, and has NO respect or true appreciation for their employees.$12 an hour to deal with the amount of slavery and BS that comes with this company- especially during the Xmas season- is unresonable. ANYONE who has either worked for this company during the Xmas holiday, or has attempted to get a decent photo shoot without being rushed and/or pressured knows that this entire company is not run as well as it could be.Anyone who works for this company, chooses to join the cult and go into management, OR to try to bring their family in during the holidays is beyond foolish. It's really unfortunate for the customer, or all of the people who apply here, thinking that this is a legit photography studio.it's not- there's no photographic skill involved in pushing the button on a pre-programmed camera.

You really have no idea what it is like, do you?There's so much going on behind this company that people like you do not even have the first CLUE about. Work for PI for a weekend or so before you make judgements of how someone isn't good enough for this. I've worked for other photography companies and THIS particular one is a challenge, to put it nicely.

They really are about the Almighty Dollar - if you don't make a certain amount each week, you are fired.No questions asked. We can't make a customer buy anything.All we can do is show the customer the available products, with each photo taken and if the end, they don't want to buy a lot - or anything - we can't do anything about it. And management gets upset.

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